Dbx Cx 3 Service Manual
Just got this set home and cleaned up quite nice. I set the amp BIAS and DC offset.Do have one issue, one of the 4 amp sections is tripping the protection when increasing the volume at anything over about 4 watts, turn the volume down and it comes out of protection mode. The other 3 sections are fine.Only clue I have is that the amp section in question had very low bias current that I dialed up to spec. It is the left rear. I want to use it in bridge mode to obtain 400 watt per channel.
So I do want this section to work.Anyone have any info or experience on this amp problem? Any other info or opinions on this setup are welcomed.I was looking for watts, but maybe I stumbled on to something good.
The dbx CX-3 Mk2 is a pre amplifier in the solid state amplifier category. It was manufactured from 1989 to unknown. Dolby Surround sound; Moving coil input; Forum topics on the dbx CX-3 Mk2. No topics on the dbx CX-3 Mk2 have been found. If you want to start a new topic, click here.
I truly miss mine.Mine was flaky also, one channel would not play by itself. However, in bridged 2-ch. Mode it worked fine. I can't help you on specifics, but just know that this is IMHO one of the great underrated amps out there.However, I never liked the CX-3 preamp very much. It just didn't sound very good. There are several gain stages, and if I remember correctly, each stage was op-amp driven.
Replacing the original crappy op-amps with something modern would make a huge difference. Click to expand.Thanks for the advise, here are some findings:1/2.
The protection kicks in with no speaker attached3. Could not find any open transistor and the emmiter resistors are not open4. The over current protection circuit acts normal with the other channels not matter how loud.5. Nothing seems amiss on the right half of the amp board pictured which is the one in question.
All electrolytics test fine.So, I am leaning toward a misbehaving output transistor. They all test fine, but the channel seems to work fine to a certain point in the power (volume) and then takes a dump. Click to expand.Sorry about the delay, I had to work some issues out with the amp. Once sorted, this is one killer amp. 400 watts RMS/600 dynamic per channel, will satisfy at any volume.
It's quite impressive really and beyond my vocabulary to describe what it does with my Bose 901 when we are hitting 200-watt peak bursts. The cooling fan came on a low speed for a little while, but no sweat. It has more detail than my hi end Denon. A total sleeper and scarce amp, especially in the MKII form.

I keep wondering why not many folks have discovered this beast. When I want audition some new CD, this where I do it. Sorry about the delay, I had to work some issues out with the amp.
Once sorted, this is one killer amp. 400 watts RMS/600 dynamic per channel, will satisfy at any volume. It's quite impressive really and beyond my vocabulary to describe what it does with my Bose 901 when we are hitting 200-watt peak bursts. The cooling fan came on a low speed for a little while, but no sweat.
Dbx Cx 3 Service Manual Pdf
It has more detail than my hi end Denon. A total sleeper and scarce amp, especially in the MKII form. I keep wondering why not many folks have discovered this beast. When I want audition some new CD, this where I do it.
Cx-3 Mazda
More on my DBX. This has been a work in process as the other night without warning the unit went into protection for a bit. Then after a meter bulb LED conversion, the power/protection LED went completely out but the unit kept operating.
After a while, a R519 a 330 ohm resistor on the protection circuit board smoked and stunk up the house.Many hours of head scratching, poking, and replacing every part imaginable that could cook this resistor, and thinking about dumping it on eBay for parts, turns out the power/protection LED supply leads where shorted to the case behind the faceplate. These have long 1' bare leads that I trimmed and shielded with tape.This plus replacing resistor R519 and the two 4.7/50V electrolytic caps in harms way fixed the unit like new. Now it is very stable.

Apparently, this LED has been shorting to the case ever since I had the unit, this explains its odd behavior and lots of unnecessary parts that went in.Hope this help someone with one of these out there. The protection circuit is on the right board as you face the back plate. Take all the screws off the backplate and it pulls away from these boards.Damage:Now fixed.

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