Hex To Ascii Conversion Program In Microcontroller
Hex To Ascii Conversion Program In C 9,3/10 6252votes. Your code is fantastically confused. It's reading in the data, then doing a strtol call on it.
Hi garg29,Believe it or not, its pretty simple, but it depends on the hardware you are using (8 bit, 16, 32? Please specify what micro you are using.Because 'hex' values are 4-bit, if you are using an 8-bit microcontroller, you can use the 'swap nibbles' function and a look-up table. Pseudo-code would be:Get an bit number into W reg (accumulator)And with '00001111' - gets rid of upper nibbleCall your look-up table,Store in 'Lowhex'Get your 8-bit number again,Swap nibbles.And with '00001111' - gets rid of upper nibbleCall your look-up table,Store in 'Highhex'So, you convert an 8-bit binary number, to 2 Hex values (in ascii). So for say, 11010010 - 'D2' in ascii.I'm not entirely sure if this is what you want, I need more information.Goodluck,BuriedCode. Hello again!32 bit hex - decimal - ASCII (for LCD) Right?
Ok.I'm less familiar with the 89C51 family than I am with the PIC series, so I can't be too specific regarding instructions.It gets confusing talking about a hex/decimal/binary number, since they can all be the same number, it just depends of how you write them down.eg: decimal 137 = 89h = '10001001' binary. All the same value. This always confuses the hell out of me, but I think I know what you're after.
Convert Hex Value To Ascii
You need to convert a binary number (in 4 registers for 32 'bits' in binary) to BCD (binary coded decimal). You can then convert this to ASCII using a simple look-up table, since, in decimal, a 'digit' can only be 0-9. Thats only 10 entries.In your example. Im having this hex value 1746E6 in register r1 r2 and r3 asSorry to confuse you, but thats a 6-digit HEX value, which is a 24-bit binary number. I'll just assume its binary (confusing myself now:( ).To work out how many decimal digits you need to display, 2^32 = So thats a maximum of 10 (!!) digits to display on your LCD.
Converting binary to decimal isn't that hard, but I imagine it gets harder (not just longer) the larger the binary values you are dealing with. In fact, I struggle with 8-bit binary to BCD, let alone 16, or 32 bit. Thanks Buried code for providing the code from.but the code isn't working. I think lot of data is missingI didn't say it was going to be that simple:) A lot of code for micro's on the web can be compiled and go straight into your chip, but some code is just the 'main function' of the program. That code in your post appears to be a load of nested subroutines, all called from the main routine 'H32BCD'. Obviously it needs register setup, for variables, and chip setup (pins, peripherals, clock etc.)Now, thats the price we pay for using pre-written code, and not writing our own from scratch.
But its a lot quicker, easier and a fantastic way to learn!! You still haven't mentioned the sort of 'level' you are at with microcontrollers? I mean, is this your first big program?
Or is this the first time you've used the 89c51? I don't want to miss out information I assume you know.Anyway, as I said, I've only written very simple programs for thr 8051 series, but its fairly similar. So, here's what I 'think' the code needs to work. YOu must initialise the registers. Ie: give them an address.
And it uses a lot of 'indirect addressing' (if you don't know what that means, search google). R0 should point to the LSB byte of the 32bit number to be converted.BCDSo, R0 should contain the address of the register for the LSbyte of your 32-bit number. Also, it says that the converted values (in BCD) are stored in'BCD0(MSB) to BCD4(LSB).' Thats 5 registers.
Standard BCD has one register per decimal digit, you need 10 digits, but there are 5 registers. That means (I could be wrong!) thats its 'packed BCD'.
So, each byte actually contains two decimal digits.(because a decimal digit is 0-9, and 4 bits can be 0-15, we must use at least 4 bits per decimal digit. Hence, 2 digits in a byte). I hope I'm not confusing you.What I'm saying is, even if you get the code working, by initiaizing the registers, clock etc. All it will do is, take a 32-bit number which you must provide in your code, and fill in 5 registers, with 2 decimal digits (5.2 = 10). You've still got to get these numbers, unpack them (so you have 10 registers, one for each digit) and THEN convert them to ASCII (tiny look-up table) and send them to your LCD.It sounds like a lot, but broken down into sub programs, its just a lot of little easy progs:)One more question, where are you getting these '32-bit' numbers? From a UART, or from a keyboard, or is it purely an excercise in writing assembly language?Regards, and sorry I could be more help.BuriedCode.update.janakiram.sistla has a good point!

To convert a decimal number to ASCII, just add 0x30h! Well done janakiram.sistla, I had forgotten about that little trick:D.
Hi friendsi am designing a project in which i need 32 bit hex to ascii conversion code in assembly.i m having 16 bit hex to ascii conversion code.i need this code for displaying 8 digit values on lcd. Can anybody please provide me 32 bit hex to ascii conversion code in assembly.thankswith best regardsamitHi,This is an old routine I made a long time ago.

It is made for a 24bit binary value, but 32 is just som more values in the table. You'll also need to increase the horisontal size of the table.It is made for 68HC16 but should be compatible to most 8 bit micros.
Here we will see one 8085 Microprocessor program. That program will convert HEX to ASCII values.Problem Statement −Write an 8085 Assembly language program to convert Hexadecimal characters to ASCII values.Discussion −We know that the ASCII of number 00H is 30H (48D), and ASCII of 09H is 39H (57D). So all other numbers are in the range 30H to 39H.
0d Hex To Ascii
The ASCII value of 0AH is 41H (65D) and ASCII of 0FH is 46H (70D), so all other alphabets (B, C, D, E, F) are in the range 41H to 46H.Here we are providing hexadecimal digit at memory location 8000H, The ASCII equivalent is storing at location 8001H.The logic behind HEX to ASCII conversion is very simple. We are just checking whether the number is in range 0 – 9 or not. When the number is in that range, then the hexadecimal digit is numeric, and we are just simply adding 30H with it to get the ASCII value. When the number is not in range 0 – 9, then the number is range A – F, so for that case, we are converting the number to 41H onwards.In the program at first we are clearing the carry flag. Then subtracting 0AH from the given number. If the value is numeric, then after subtraction the result will be negative, so the carry flag will be set. Now by checking the carry status we can just add 30H with the value to get ASCII value.In other hand when the result of subtraction is positive or 0, then we are adding 41H with the result of the subtraction.