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Ielts Listening Test Free Download Mp3 With Answers 2017. IELTS Listening Test Sample Questions and How to Answer – Section 4.

Well, my group has been doing a project on how household waste is recycled inBritain.We were quite shocked to discover that only 9% of people here in the UK makean effort to recycle their household waste. This is a lower figure than in mostother European countries, and needs to increase dramatically in the next fewyears if the government is going to meet its recycling targets.The agreed targets for the UK mean that by 2008 we must reduce our carbon dioxideemissions by 12.5%, comparedwith 1990. And recycling can help to achieve that goal, in two main ways: theproduction of recycled glass and paper uses much less energy than producingthem from virgin materials, and also recycling reduces greenhouse gas emissionsfrom landfill sites and incinerationplants.As part of our project, we carried out a survey of people in the street, andthe thing that came up over and over again is that people don't think it'seasy enough to recycle their waste. One problem is that there aren't enough 'drop-off'sites, that is, the places where the public are supposed to take their waste.We also discovered that waste that's collected from householders is takento places called 'bring banks', for sorting and baling into loads. Oneproblem here is taking out everything that shouldn't have been placed inthe recycling containers: people put all sorts of things into bottle banks,like plastic bags and even broken umbrellas. All this has to be removed by hand.Another difficulty is that toughened glass used forcooking doesn't fully meltat the temperature required for other glass, and so that also has to be pickedout by hand.Glass is easy to recycle because it can be reused over and over again withoutbecoming weaker. Two million tons of glass is thrown away each year, that is,seven billion bottles and jars; but only500.000 tons of that is collectedand recycled.Oddly enough, half the glass that's collected is green, and a lot of thatis imported, so more green glass is recycled than the UK needs.

Ielts 4 Listening Mp3 Free Download

Ielts 4 Listening Download Mp3Ielts 4 Listening Download Mp3

As a result,new uses are being developed for recycled glass, particularly green glass, forexample in fibreglass manufacture and water filtration. A company called CLFAggregates makes a product for roads,and 30% of the material is crushed glass. For recycling paper, Britain comessecond in Europe with 40%, behind Germany's amazing 70%.When recycling started, there were quality problems, so it was difficult touse recycled paper in office printers.

But these problems have now been solved,and Martin's, based in South London, produces a range of office stationerywhich is 100% recycled, costs the same as normal paper and is of equally highquality.But this high quality comes at a cost in terms of the waste produced duringthe process. Over a third of the waste paper that comes in can't be usedin the recycled paper, leaving the question of what to do with it. One firm,Papersave, currently sells this to farmers as asoil conditioner, though thispractice will soon be banned because of transport costs and the smell, and thecompany is looking into the possibility of alternative uses.Plastic causes problems, because there are so many different types of plasticin use today, and each one has to be dealt with differently. Pacrite recyclesall sorts of things, from bottles to car bumpers, and one of its most successfulactivities is recycling plastic bottles to makecontainers which are used allover the country to collect waste.The Save-a-Cup scheme was set up by the vending and plastics industries to recycleas many as possible of the three-and-a-half billion polystyrene cups used eachyear.

At the moment 500 million polycups are collected, processed and sold onto other businesses, such as Waterford, which turns the cups into pencils, andJohnson & Jones, a Welsh-based firm, which has developed a wide varietyof items, including business cards.Well, to sum up, there seems to be plenty of research going on into how to re-usematerials, but the biggest problem is getting people to think about recyclinginstead of throwing things away. At least doing the research made us much morecareful. You SHOULD NOT DO following things while taking IELTSListening Test:1) Don’t worry if you have to cross out or change an answer.2) Don’t panic if you miss one question.

Ielts 4 listening download mp3 music

Look ahead and concentrate on thenext one.3) Don’t try to rephrase what you hear.