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A ReminderIf you feel it is appropriate, you may consider paying us back by citingour EOS articles on GMT and technical papers on algorithms when youpublish papers containing results or illustrations obtained using GMT.The EOS articles on GMT are. Wessel, P., W.

Wobbe,Generic Mapping Tools: Improved Version Released, EOS Trans. AGU, 94(45),p. 409-410, 2013. Wessel, P., and W.

Smith, New, improved version of GenericMapping Tools released, EOS Trans. AGU, 79(47),p. 579, 1998. Wessel, P., and W.

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Smith, New version of the Generic MappingTools released, EOS Trans. AGU, 76(33), 329, 1995.

Wessel, P., and W. Smith, Free software helps map and displaydata, EOS Trans.

AGU, 72(41), 445–446, 1991.Some GMT modules are based on algorithms we have developed andpublished separately, such as. Kim, S.-S., and P. Wessel, Directional median filtering forregional-residual separation of bathymetry, Geochem. Geophys.Geosyst., 9, Q03005, 2008., misc supplement.

Luis, J. Miranda, Reevaluation of magnetic chrons in theNorth Atlantic between 35ºN and 47ºN: Implications for the formation of theAzores Triple Junction and associated plateau,J. Res., 113, B10105, 2008., potential supplement. Smith, W. Wessel, Gridding with continuous curvaturesplines in tension, Geophysics, 55(3), 293–305, 1990.

Wessel, P., Tools for analyzing intersecting tracks: The x2syspackage, Computers & Geosciences, 36, 348–354, 2010. supplement. Wessel, P., A General-purpose Green’s function-based interpolator,Computers & Geosciences, 35, 1247–1254, 2009. Wessel, P. Becker, Interpolation using a generalizedGreen’s function for a spherical surface spline in tension, Geophys.J.

Int., 174, 21–28, 2008.Finally, GMT includes some code supplied by others, in particular theTriangle code used for Delaunay triangulation. Its author, says. “If you use Triangle, and especially if you use it to accomplishreal work, I would like very much to hear from you. A short letteror email describing how you use Triangle willmean a lot to me.

The more people I know are using this program, themore easily I can justify spending time on improvements and on thethree-dimensional successor to Triangle, which in turn will benefityou.”A few GMT users take the time to write us letters, telling us of thedifference GMT is making in their work. We appreciate receiving theseletters. On days when we wonder why we ever released GMT we pull theseletters out and read them. Seriously, as financial support forGMT depends on how well we can “sell” the idea to funding agencies andour superiors, letter-writing is one area where GMT users can affectsuch decisions by supporting the GMT project. Copyright and Caveat Emptor!Copyright ©1991–2018 by P.

Scharroo, J.Luis and F. WobbeThe Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) is free software; you canredistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU LesserGeneral Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation.The GMT package is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty ofMERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the fileLICENSE.TXT in the GMT directory or the for more details.Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of thismanual provided that the copyright notice and these paragraphs arepreserved on all copies. The GMT package may be included in a bundleddistribution of software for which a reasonable fee may be charged.GMT does not come with any warranties, noris it guaranteed to work on your computer. The user assumes fullresponsibility for the use of this system.

In particular, the Universityof Hawaii School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, the NationalOceanic and Atmospheric Administration, EUMETSAT, theUniversidade do Algarve, Alfred Wegener Institute, the National ScienceFoundation, Paul Wessel, Walter H. Smith, Remko Scharroo, Joaquim F.Luis, Florian Wobbe or any other individuals involved in the design andmaintenance of GMT are NOT responsible for any damage that may followfrom correct or incorrect use of these programs. PrefaceWhile GMT has served the map-making and data processing needs ofscientists since 1988, the current global use was heralded by thefirst official release in EOS Trans.

AGU in the fall of 1991. Sincethen, GMT has grown to become a standard tool for many users,particularly in the Earth and Ocean Sciences but the global collectiveof GMT users is incredibly diverse. Development has at times beenrapid, and numerous releases have seen the light of day since the earlyversions. For a detailed history of the changes from release to release,see file ChangeLog in the main GMT directory. For a nightly snapshot of ongoingactivity, see the online page. For a historical perspective of theorigins and development of GMT see the video podcast “20 Years withGMT – The Generic Mapping Tools” produced following a seminar given byPaul Wessel on the 20th anniversary of GMT; a link is available on theGMT website.The success of GMT is to a large degree due to the input of the usercommunity. In fact, most of the capabilities and options in theGMT modules originated as user requests.

We would like to hear fromyou should you have any suggestions for future enhancements andmodification. Please send your comments to the GMT help list or createan issue in the bug tracker(see ). # Use bash-completion, if available if -r /usr/share/bash-completion/bashcompletion ; then.

Historical overviewMost scientists are familiar with the sequence: raw data →processing → final illustration.In order to finalize papers for submission to scientific journals,prepare proposals, and create illustrations for variouspresentations, many scientists spend large amounts of time and money tocreate high-quality figures. This process can be tedious and is oftendone manually, since available commercial or in-house software usuallycan do only part of the job.

To expedite this process we introduce theGeneric Mapping Tools (GMT for short), which is a free softwarepackage that can be used to manipulate columns of tabular data,time-series, and gridded data sets, and display these data in a varietyof forms ranging from simple x– y plots to maps and color-coded,perspective, and shaded-relief illustrations. GMT uses thePostScript page description language Adobe Systems Inc., 1990.With PostScript, multiple plot files can easily be superimposed tocreate arbitrarily complex images in gray tones or full color.Line drawings, bitmapped images, and text can be easily combined in oneillustration. PostScript plot files are device-independent: The samefile can be printed at 300 dots per inch (dpi) on a cheapprinter or converted to a high-resolution PNG image for online usage.GMT software is written as a set of UNIX tools and istotally self-contained and fully documented. The system is offered freeof charge and is distributed over the Internet Wessel and Smith, 1991; 1995; 1998; Wessel et al., 2013. ThePostScript plots are easily converted to other formats, such as PDFor any raster image.The original version 1.0 of GMT was released in the summer of 1988when the authors were graduate students at Lamont-Doherty EarthObservatory of Columbia University. During our tenure as graduatestudents, LDEO changed its computing environment to a distributednetwork of UNIX workstations, and we wrote GMT to run in thisenvironment. It became a success at LDEO, and soon spread to numerousother institutions in the US, Canada, Europe, and Japan.

The currentversion benefits from the many suggestions contributed by users of theearlier versions, and now includes more than 100 tools, more than 30projections, and many other new, more flexible features. GMT providesscientists with a variety of tools for data manipulation and display,including routines to sample, filter, compute spectral estimates, anddetermine trends in time series, grid or triangulate arbitrarily spaceddata, perform mathematical operations (including filtering) on 2-D datasets both in the space and frequency domain, sample surfaces alongarbitrary tracks or onto a new grid, calculate volumes, and find trendsurfaces. The plotting programs will let the user make linear,log, and diagrams, polarand rectangular histograms, maps with filled continents and coastlineschoosing from many common map projections, contour plots, mesh plots,monochrome or color images, and artificially illuminated shaded-reliefand 3-D perspective illustrations.GMT is written in the highly portable ANSI C programming language Kernighan and Ritchie, 1988, is fully POSIX compliant Lewine,1991, and may be used with any hardwarerunning some flavor of UNIX. Inwriting GMT, we have followed the modular design philosophy of UNIX:The raw data → processing → final illustration flow is brokendown to a series of elementary steps; eachstep is accomplished by a separate GMT or UNIX tool. This modularapproach brings several benefits: (1) only a few programs are needed,(2) each program is small and easy to update and maintain, (3) each stepis independent of the previous step and the data type and can thereforebe used in a variety of applications, and (4) the programs can bechained together in shell scripts or with pipes, thereby creating aprocess tailored to do a user-specific task. The decoupling of the dataretrieval step from the subsequent massage and plotting is particularlyimportant, since each institution will typically have its own data baseformats.

To use GMT with custom data bases, one has only to write adata extraction tool which will put out data in a form readable byGMT (discussed below). After writing the extractor, all otherGMT modules will work as they are.GMT is thoroughly documented and comes with a technical reference andcookbook which explains the purpose of the package and its manyfeatures, and provides numerous examples to help new users quicklybecome familiar with the operation and philosophy of the system. Thecookbook contains the shell scripts that were used for each example;PostScript files of each illustration are also provided. All programshave individual manual pages which can be installed as part of theon-line documentation under the UNIX man utility or as webpages. In addition, the programs offer friendly help messages which makethem essentially self-teaching – if a user enters invalid or ambiguouscommand arguments, the program will print a warning to the screen with asynopsis of the valid arguments. All the documentation is available forweb browsing and may be installed at the user’s site.The processing and display routines within GMT are completely generaland will handle any ( x,y) or ( x,y,z) data as input.

For manypurposes the ( x,y) coordinates will be (longitude, latitude) but inmost cases they could equally well be any other variables (e.g.,wavelength, power spectral density). Since the GMT plot tools willmap these ( x,y) coordinates to positions on a plot or map using avariety of transformations (linear, log-log, and several mapprojections), they can be used with any data that are given by two orthree coordinates. In order to simplify and standardize input andoutput, by default GMT uses two file formats only.

Arbitrary sequences of ( x,y)or ( x,y,z) data are read from multi-column ASCII tables, i.e., eachfile consists of several records, in which each coordinate is confinedto a separate column. This format is straightforward and allows theuser to perform almost any simple (or complicated) reformatting orprocessing task using GMT processing tools (and in a pinch standard UNIX utilities such as cut,paste, grep, sed and awk). Two-dimensional datathat have been sampled on an equidistant grid are read and written byGMT in a binary grid file using the functions provided with the netCDFlibrary (a free, public-domain software library available separatelyfrom UCAR, the University Corporation of Atmospheric Research Treinishand Gough, 1987). This XDR (External Data Representation) based formatis architecture independent, which allows the user to transfer thebinary data files from one computer system to another.GMT contains programs that will read ASCII ( x,y,z) files and producegrid files. One such program,includes new modifications to the gridding algorithm developed by Smithand Wessel 1990 using continuous splines in tension. Optionally, GMTcan also read various binary and netCDF tables, as well as a variety ofgrid formats, especially if built with GDAL support.Most of the programs will produce some form of output, which falls intofour categories.

Several of the programs may produce more than one ofthese types of output:. 1-D ASCII Tables — For example, a ( x,y) series may befiltered and the filtered values output. ASCII output is written tothe standard output stream. 2-D binary (netCDF or user-defined) grid files – Programs that gridASCII ( x,y,z) data or operate on existing grid files producethis type of output. PostScript – The plotting programs all use the PostScript pagedescription language to define plots. These commands are stored asASCII text and can be edited should you want to customize the plotbeyond the options available in the programs themselves. Reports – Several GMT programs read input files and reportstatistics and other information.

Nearly all programs have anoptional “verbose” operation, which reports on the progress ofcomputation. All programs feature usage messages, which prompt theuser if incorrect commands have been given.

Such text is written tothe standard error stream and can therefore be separated from ASCIItable output.GMT is available over the Internet at no charge. To obtain a copy,goto GMT home page and follow instructions.We also maintain user forums and a bug and feature tracking system onthe same page.GMT has served a multitude of scientists very well, and theirresponses have prompted us to develop these programs even further. It isour hope that the new version will satisfy these users and attract newusers as well. We present this system to the community in order topromote sharing of research software among investigators in the US and abroad. References.

Adobe Systems Inc., PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2ndedition, 764, Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1990. Kernighan, B.

Ritchie, The C programming language,2nd edition, 272, Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1988. Lewine, D., POSIX programmer’s guide, 1st edition, 607, O’Reilly &Associates, Sebastopol, California, 1991. Treinish, L.

Gough, A software package for thedata-independent management of multidimensional data, EOS Trans.AGU, 68(28), 633–635, 1987. Modern and Classic ModeFor almost three decades, GMT scripts have looked remarkably similar. The options flagsand the general workflow of adding overlays to existing PostScript files haveremained unchanged, and thousands of GMT scripts written in c-shell, bash shell, DOS batch,and other environments exist and their maintainers expect them to run in the future.This requirement of backwards compatibility has to some extent stifled our drive tomake GMT easier and safer to use. GMT summaryThe following is a summary of all the programs supplied with GMT anda very short description of their purpose. For more details, see theindividual UNIX manual pages or the online web documentation. GMT quick referenceInstead of an alphabetical listing, this sectioncontains a summary sorted by program purpose. Distance unitsdDegree of arcMStatute mileeMeter DefaultnNautical milefFootsSecond of arckKilometeruUS Survey footmMinute of arcFor Cartesian data and scaling the data units do not normally matter(they could be kg or Lumens for all we know) and are never entered.Geographic data are different, as distances can be specified in a varietyof ways.

GMT programs that accept actual Earth length scales likesearch radii or distances can therefore handle a variety of units. Thesechoices are listed in Table; simply append the desiredunit to the distance value you supply. A value without a unit suffixwill be consider to be in meters.

For example, a distance of 30 nauticalmiles should be given as 30 n. Where R is the representative (or spherical) radius of theplanet, is latitude, and the difference in longitudes, is adjusted for anyjumps that might occur across Greenwich or the Dateline.

As written, thegeographic coordinates are given in radians. This approach is suitablewhen the points you use to compute do not greatly differ inlatitude and computation speed is paramount.

You can specify this modeof computation by using the - prefix to the specified distance (orto the unit itself in cases where no distance is required and only aunit is expected). For instance, a search radius of 50 statute milesusing this mode of computation might be specified via -S-50 M. This approach is suitable for most situations unless exact calculationsfor an ellipsoid is required (typically for a limited surface area).

Forinstance, a search radius of 5000 feet using this mode of computationwould be specified as -S5000 f.Note: There are two additionalGMT defaults that control howgreat circle (and Flat Earth) distances are computed. One concerns theselection of the “mean radius”.

This is selected by, which selects one of several possiblerepresentative radii. The second is, whichconverts geodetic latitudes into one of several possible auxiliarylatitudes that are better suited for the spherical approximation. Whileboth settings have default values to best approximate geodesic distances( authalic mean radius and latitudes), expert users can choose from arange of options as detailed in the man page. Note thatthese last two settings are only used if theis not set to “sphere”.

Geodesic distancesFor the most accurate calculations we use a full ellipsoidalformulation. Currently, we are using Vincenty’s 1975 formulawhich is accurate to 0.5 mm. Youselect this mode of computation by using the + prefix to thespecified distance (or to the unit itself in cases where no distance isrequired). For instance, a search radius of 20 km using this mode ofcomputation would be set by -S+20 k.

You may use thesetting which defaults toVincenty but may also be set to Rudoe for old GMT4-style calculationsor Andoyer for an approximate geodesic (within a few tens of meters)that is much faster to compute. Length unitsGMT programs can accept dimensional quantities and plot lengths incm, inch, or point (1/72 of an inch). There aretwo ways to ensure that GMT understands which unit you intend to use:. Append the desired unit to the dimension you supply. This way isexplicit and clearly communicates what you intend, e.g.,-X4 c means the length being passed to the -X switchis 4 cm. Set the parameter to the desired unit.

Then,all dimensions without explicit unit will be interpreted accordingly.The latter method is less secure as other users may have a differentunit set and your script may not work as intended. We thereforerecommend you always supply the desired unit explicitly. Overview and the gmt.conf fileThere are almost 150 parameters which can be adjusted individually tomodify the appearance of plots or affect the manipulation of data.

Whena program is run, it initializes all parameters to theGMTdefaults, then tries to open the file gmt.conf in the currentdirectory. If not found, it will look for that file in asub-directory /.gmt of your home directory, and finally in your home directoryitself. If successful, the program will read the contents and set thedefault values to those provided in the file. By editing this file youcan affect features such as pen thicknesses used for maps, fonts andfont sizes used for annotations and labels, color of the pens,dots-per-inch resolution of the hardcopy device, what type of splineinterpolant to use, and many other choices.

A complete list of all theparameters and their default values can be found in themanual pages. Figures, andshow the parameters that affectplots. You may create your own gmt.conf files by runningand then modify thoseparameters you want to change. If you want to use the parameter settingsin another file you can do so by copying that file to the currentdirectory and call it gmt.conf. This makes it easy to maintain several distinct parametersettings, corresponding perhaps to the unique styles required bydifferent journals or simply reflecting font changes necessary to makereadable overheads and slides. At the end of such scripts you should thendelete the (temporary) gmt.conf file. Note that any arguments given on thecommand line (see below) will take precedent over the default values.E.g., if your gmt.conf file has x offset = 1 i as default, the-X1.5 i option will override the default and set the offset to 1.5 inches.

Changing GMT defaultsAs mentioned, GMT programs will attempt to open a file named gmt.conf. Attimes it may be desirable to override that default. There are severalways in which this can be accomplished.One method is to start each script by saving a copy of the current gmt.conf,then copying the desired gmt.conf file to the current directory, and finallyreverting the changes at the end of the script. Possible side effectsinclude premature ending of the script due to user error or bugswhich means the final resetting does not take place (unless you writeyour script very carefully.).To permanently change some of the GMT parameters on the flyinside a script the utilitycan be used.

E.g., to change the primary annotation font to 12 pointTimes-Bold in red we run. Gmt set FONTANNOTPRIMARY 12p,Times-Bold,redThese changes will remain in effect until they are overridden.If all you want to achieve is to change a few parameters during theexecution of a single command but otherwise leave the environmentintact, consider passing the parameter changes on the command linevia the -PAR=value mechanism. For instance, to temporarilyset the output format for floating points to have lots of decimals,say, for map projection coordinate output, append- -=%.16lg to the command in question.Finally, GMT provides to possibility to override the settings onlyduring the running of a single script, reverting to the originalsettings after the script is run, as if the script was run in“isolation”. The isolation mode is discussed inSection.In addition to those parameters that directly affect the plot there arenumerous parameters than modify units, scales, etc. For a completelisting, see the man pages.We suggest that you go through all the available parameters at leastonce so that you know what is available to change via one of thedescribed mechanisms.

The gmt.conf file can be cleared by runninggmt clear conf. Command line argumentsEach program requires certain arguments specific to its operation.

Theseare explained in the manual pages and in the usage messages.We have tried to choose letters of the alphabet whichstand for the argument so that they will be easy to remember. Eachargument specification begins with a hyphen (except input file names;see below), followed by a letter, and sometimes a number or characterstring immediately after the letter.

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Do not space between the hyphen,letter, and number or string. Do space between options. Standardized command line optionsMost of the programs take many of the same arguments such as those relatedto setting the data region, the map projection, etc.

The 23 switches inTable have the same meaning in all the programs (althoughsome programs may not use all of them). These options will be describedhere as well as in the manual pages, as is vital that you understand howto use these options. Data domain or map region: The -R optionThe -R option defines the map region or data domain of interest.

Itmay be specified in one of five ways, two of which are shown in Figure:.R xmin/ xmax/ ymin/ ymax. This is the standard way tospecify Cartesian data domains and geographical regions when usingmap projections where meridians and parallels are rectilinear.R xlleft/ ylleft/ xuright/ yuright +r. This form isused with map projections that are oblique, making meridians andparallels poor choices for map boundaries. Here, we instead specifythe lower left corner and upper right corner geographic coordinates,followed by the modifier +r.

This form guarantees a rectangular mapeven though lines of equal longitude and latitude are not straight lines.R gridfile. This will copy the domain settings found for thegrid in specified file. Note that depending on the nature of thecalling program, this mechanism will also set grid spacing andpossibly the grid registration (seeSection ).R code1,code2. +r R incs. This indirectly suppliesthe region by consulting the DCW (Digital Chart of the World) database and derivesthe bounding regions for one or more countries given by the codes.Simply append one or more comma-separated countries using the two-characterISO 3166-1 alpha-2 convention (e.g., ).To select a state within a country (if available), append.state, e.g, US.TX for Texas.To specify a whole continent, prepend = to any of the continent codes AF (Africa),AN (Antarctica), AS (Asia), EU (Europe), OC (Oceania), NA (North America), or SA(South America).

Append +r to modify exact bounding box coordinates obtained fromthe polygon(s): Append inc, xinc/ yinc, or winc/ einc/ sinc/ ninc to adjust thefinal region boundaries to be multiples of these steps default is no adjustment.Alternatively, use +R to extend the region outward by adding these incrementsinstead default is no extension. As an example, -R FR +r1 will selectthe national bounding box of France rounded to nearest integer degree.R code x0/ y0/ nx/ ny. This method can be used when creatinggrids. Here, code is a 2-character combination of L, C, R (for left, center,or right) and T, M, B for top, middle, or bottom. E.g., BL for lower left.

Thisindicates which point on a rectangular grid region the x0/ y0 coordinatesrefer to, and the grid dimensions nx and ny are used with grid spacings givenvia -I to create the corresponding region. The plot region can be specified in two different ways.

(a) Extreme valuesfor each dimension, or (b) coordinates of lower left and upper right corners.For rectilinear projections the first two forms give identical results.Depending on the selected map projection (or the kind of expected inputdata), the boundary coordinates may take on several different formats: Geographic coordinates:These are longitudes and latitudes and may be given in decimaldegrees (e.g., -123.45417) or in the± ddd: mm: ss.xxx W E S Nformat (e.g., 123:27:15W). Note that -Rg and -Rd areshorthands for “global domain” -R 0/ 360/ -90/ 90 and-R -180/ 180/ -90/ 90, respectively.When used in conjunction with the Cartesian Linear Transformation( -Jx or -JX) —which can be used to map floating point data,geographical coordinates, as well as time coordinates— it is prudentto indicate that you are using geographical coordinates in one ofthe following ways:. Use -Rg or -Rd to indicate the global domain. Use -Rg xmin/ xmax/ ymin/ ymax to indicate a limitedgeographic domain. Add W, E, S, or N to the coordinate limits or addthe generic D or G. Example:-R 0/ 360G/ -90/ 90N.Alternatively, you may indicate geographical coordinates bysupplying -fg; see Section.

Projected coordinates: These are Cartesian projected coordinates compatible with the chosenprojection and are given in a length unit set via the +u modifier, (e.g.,-200/200/-300/300 +uk for a 400 by 600 km rectangular area centeredon the projection center (0, 0). These coordinates are internallyconverted to the corresponding geographic (longitude, latitude)coordinates for the lower left and upper right corners.

This form isconvenient when you want to specify a region directly in theprojected units (e.g., UTM meters). For allowable units, seeTable. Calendar time coordinates:These are absolute time coordinates referring to a Gregorian or ISOcalendar. The general format is date T clock,where date must be in the yyyy -mm -dd (year, month,day-of-month) or yyyy -jjj (year and day-of-year) forGregorian calendars and yyyy - W ww -d (year,week, and day-of-week) for the ISO calendar. If no date is givenwe assume the current day. The T flag is required if a clock is given.The optional clock string is a 24-hour clock inhh:mm:ss.xxx format. If no clock is given itimplies 00:00:00, i.e., the start of the specified day.

Note thatnot all of the specified entities need be present in the data. Allcalendar date-clock strings are internally represented as doubleprecision seconds since proleptic Gregorian date Monday January 100. Proleptic means we assume that the modern calendarcan be extrapolated forward and backward; a year zero is used, andGregory’s reforms are extrapolated backward.

Note that this isnot historical. Relative time coordinates: These are coordinates which count seconds, hours, days or yearsrelative to a given epoch. A combination of the parametersand define the epoch and time unit.The parameter provides a few shorthands for commoncombinations of epoch and unit, like j2000 for days since noonof 1 Jan 2000. The default relative time coordinate is that of UNIXcomputers: seconds since 1 Jan 1970. Denote relative timecoordinates by appending the optional lower case t after thevalue. When it is otherwise apparent that the coordinate is relativetime (for example by using the -f switch), the t can be omitted.

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Radians: For angular regions (and increments) specified in radians you may use a set offorms indicating multiples or fractions of. Valid forms are± spi f, where is s and f are any integer or floating point numbers,e.g., -2pi/2pi3 goes from -360 to 120 degrees (but in radians). When GMT parses oneof these forms we alert the labeling machinery to look for certain combinations of pi,limited to npi, 1.5pi, and fractions 3/4, 2/3, 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 pi. When anannotated value is within roundoff-error of these combinations we typeset the labelusing the Greek letter for pi and required multiples or fractions. Other coordinates: These are simply any coordinates that are not related to geographicor calendar time or relative time and are expected to be simplefloating point values such as± xxx.xxx E e D d± xx,i.e., regular or exponential notations, with the enhancement to understandFORTRAN double precision output which may use D instead of E forexponents.

These values are simply converted as they are to internalrepresentation. Coordinate transformations and map projections: The -J optionThis option selects the coordinate transformation or map projection. Thegeneral format is.J parameters/ scale. Here,is a lower-case letter of the alphabet that selects a particularmap projection, the parameters is zero or more slash-delimitedprojection parameter, and scale is map scale given in distanceunits per degree or as 1:xxxxx.J parameters/ width. Here,is an upper-case letter of the alphabet that selects a particularmap projection, the parameters is zero or more slash-delimitedprojection parameter, and width is map width (map height isautomatically computed from the implied map scale and region).Since GMT version 4.3.0, there is an alternative way to specify theprojections: use the same abbreviation as in the mapping packageProj4.

The options thus either look like:.J abbrev/ parameters/ scale. Here, abbrev is alower-case abbreviation that selects a particular map projection,the parameters is zero or more slash-delimited projectionparameter, and scale is map scale given in distance units perdegree or as 1:xxxxx.J Abbrev/ parameters/ width. Here, Abbrev is ancapitalized abbreviation that selects a particular map projection,the parameters is zero or more slash-delimited projectionparameter, and width is map width (map height is automaticallycomputed from the implied map scale and region).The projections available in GMT are presented in Figure. For details on all GMT projections and the requiredparameters, see the man page. We will also show examples ofevery projection in the next Chapters, and a quick summary of projectionsyntax was given in Chapter. Map frame and axes annotations: The -B optionThis is potentially the most complicated option in GMT,but most examples of its usage are actually quite simple.

We distinguishbetween to sets of information: Frame settings and Axes parameters. Theseare set separately by their own -B invocations; hence multiple -Bspecifications may be specified. The frame settings covers things suchas which axes should be plotted, canvas fill, plot title, and what typeof gridlines be drawn, whereas the Axes settings deal with annotation,tick, and gridline intervals, axes labels, and annotation units.The Frame settings are specified by.B axes +b +g fill +n +o lon/lat +t titleHere, the optional axes dictates which of the axes should be drawnand possibly annotated. By default, all 4 map boundaries (or plot axes)are plotted (denoted W, E, S, N). To change this selection,append the codes for those you want (e.g., WSn). In this example,the lower case n denotes to draw the axis and (major and minor) tickmarks on the “northern” (top) edge of the plot. The upper case WS willannotate the “western” and “southern” axes with numerals and plot theany axis labels in addition to draw axis/tick-marks.

For 3-D plots you canalso specify Z or z. By default a single vertical axes will then beplotted at the most suitable map corner. You can override this by appendingany combination of corner ids 1234, where 1 represents the lower leftcorner and the order goes counter-clockwise. Append +b to draw the outlineof the 3-D box defined by -R; this modifier is also needed to displaygridlines in the x–z, y–z planes. You may paint themap canvas by appending the +g fill modifier Default is no fill.If gridlines are specified via the Axes parameters (discussed below) thenby default these are referenced to the North pole.

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