Transparent Electronics Seminar Report Free Download
Transparent electronics is an emerging science and technology field focused on producing ‘invisible’ electronic circuitry and opto-electronic devices. Applications include consumer electronics, new energy sources, and transportation; for example, automobile windshields could transmit visual information to the driver. Glass in almost any setting could also double as an electronic device, possibly improving security systems or offering transparent displays. In a similar vein, windows could be used to produce electrical power. Other civilian and military applications in this research field include realtime wearable displays. As for conventional Si/III–V-based electronics, the basic device structure is based on semiconductor junctions and transistors. However, the device building block materials, the semiconductor, the electric contacts, and the dielectric/passivation layers, must now be transparent in the visible –a true challenge!
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Therefore, the first scientific goal of this technology must be to discover, understand, and implement transparent high-performance electronic materials. The second goal is their implementation and evaluation in transistor and circuit structures. The third goal relates to achieving application-specific properties since transistor performance and materials property requirements vary, depending on the final product device specifications. Consequently, to enable this revolutionary technology requires bringing together expertise from various pure and applied sciences, including materials science, chemistry, physics, electrical/electronic/circuit engineering, and display science.
Wardriving is searching for Wi-Fi wirelessnetworks by moving vehicle. Wardriving was first developed by Pete Shipley inApril 2001. It involves using a car or truck and a Wi-Fiequipped computer, suchas a laptop or a PDA, to detect the networks.
Many wardrivers use GPS devicesto measure the location of the network find and log it on a website. For betterrange, antennas are built or bought, and vary from omnidirectional to highlydirectional. Software for wardriving is freely available on the Internet,notably, NetStumbler for Windows, Kismet for Linux, and KisMac for Macintosh. WarDriving is an activity that ismisunderstood by many people.This applies to both the general public, and tothe news media that has reported on WarDriving. Because the name'WarDriving'. has an ominous sound to it, many people associate WarDrivingwith a criminal activity WarDriving originated from wardialing, a techniquepopularized by a character played by Matthew Broderick in the film WarGames,and named after that film.
Wardialing in this context refers to the practice ofusing a computer to dial many phone numbers in the hopes of finding an activemodem. A WarDriver drives around an area,often after mapping a route out first,to determine all of the wireless access points in that area. Once these accesspoints are discovered, a WarDriver uses a software program or Web site to mapthe results of his efforts. Based on these results, a statistical analysis isperformed. This statistical analysis can be of one drive, one area, or ageneral overview of all wireless networks.
The concept of driving arounddiscovering wireless networks probably began the day after the first wirelessaccess point was deployed. Most of the wireless networks that arecurrently deployed are 802.11b networks. You will find more access points ifyou use an 802.1 lb NIC. 802.1 lg access points, which transfer data at nearlyfive times the speed of 802.11b (54 MBps as opposed to 11 MBps) are gainingpopularity and it is likely that an 802.1 lg card will soon supplant an 802.1lb card as the favorite of WarDrivers. In addition to increased speed, the 802.1lg standard supports WiFi Protected Access (WPA) encryption. Once effectivelydeployed,WPA will help to improve the overall security posture of wirelessnetworks.
Thesudden popularity of wireless networks, combined with a popular misperceptionthat no additional steps to secure thosenetworks are necessary, has caused a marked increase in the number of insecure computer networks that canbe accessed without authorization. This inturn has given rise to the sport of wardriving detecting and reportingthe existence of insecure wirelessnetworks, ostensibly without actually accessing the network. Wardriving mayalso involve illegally accessing andmonitoring the networks once so discovered. The sport of discovering connections to wireless computernetworks can be done while driving in a car orwhile strolling on foot with a PDA. Neonode has patented and commercialized thezForce touch technology, which wasdesigned to overcome many of the limitations of today’s touchscreens.
Thepremise of the Company’s approach entails the projection of an infrared gridacross an electronic display. As users tap, swipe, or write on the screen,zForce® detects the location of the touch based on the interruption in infraredlight projecting across the screen, which translates to coordinates on thegrid. The zForce® architecture and input method is believed to be unique toNeonode. A zForce Touch Screen can be activatedby multiple modes of input, including bare fingers, gloves, styluses, and(multiple simultaneous touches). It is uncommon today to find both of pens, aswell as recognizes multi-touch these features innately built into the sametouchscreen. The resistive touch technology used on most PDAs to recognizestylus writing works as a spot on the screen is pressed inward, causing onelayer of the touchscreen to make contact with a layer beneath.
This contactsends a signal to the device to recognize the touch. Although relatively lowcost, resistive touchscreens do not typically allow multi-touch (swiping,gesturing). Wireless Video Service in CDMA Systems2. JOOMLA and CMS3.
Intrusion Tolerance4. Green Computing5. Breaking the Memory Wall in MonetDB6. Zettabyte FileSystem8. NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputer9.
Airborne Internet10. Capacitive And Resistive Touch Systems11. BlackBerry Technology12. Generic Access Network13. Facebook Thrift14.
Enhancing LAN Using Cryptography and Other Modules15. Security Features of ATM16. Sixth Sense Technology17. Java Database Connectivity18. Visible Light Communication19.
Software Reuse20. Soft Computing21.
Mobile WiMax22. GSM 900 Mobile Jamme23. Text Mining26. Computational Visual Attention Systems27. Skinput Technology28. Semantic Digital Library29. Seam Carving for Media Retargeting30.
Ambient Intelligence31. 3D Internet32. Public Key Infrastructure33. Word Sense Disambiguation34. Wolfram Alpha35. Tool Command Language36.
Neural Interfacing37. Location Dependent Query Processing39. Intel Core I7 Processor40. Fiber Channel42. Generic Visual Perception Processor GVPP44. Google Chrome OS45.
Compute Unified Device Architecture CUDA46. Plagiarism Detection Techniques47. Combating Link Spam48.
Bio-inspired Networking49. Anonymous Communication50. Dynamic Domain Name Service51.
Tsunami Warning System52. Yii Framework53. Sniffer for detecting lost mobiles54. Mobile Phone Cloning55. Nano Cars Into The Robotics56. Mind-Reading Computer57.
Intelligent Speed Adaptation58. Global Wireless E-Voting59. E-Cash Payment System60.
Brain Fingerprinting62. Biometrics in SECURE e-transaction63. X- Internet64. Surface Computer65. Green Cloud66. Digital Jewelry67. Brain Gate68.
Palm Vein Technology69. 5 Pen PC Technology70. Packet Sniffers73. Brain Chips74. Pill Camera76. Blue Brain77.
Biometric Voting System78. 3D Television79. 3D password80. Graphical Password Authentication82. 4G Broadband83. Finger Tracking In Real Time Human Computer Interaction84.
Eye Movement-Based Human Computer Interaction Techniques85. Ethical Hacking86. Secure ATM by Image Processing87.
Dynamic Languages88. In-Vehicle Networking89. Plastic Memory90. Protein Memory91.

Setting up a LAN using Linux92. Money Pad, The Future Wallet94. Low Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication95.
Buffer overflow attack: A potential problem and its Implications97. Intel Centrino Mobile Technology99. MPEG Video Compression100.
Survivable Networks Systems101. Self Organizing Maps102. Mobile IP103.
Wireless USB104. Zero Knowledge Protocols and Proof Systems105. Tempest and Echelon106. Synthetic Aperture Radar System107.
Unlicensed Mobile Access108. Windows DNA109.
Laptop Computer110. Intelligent Software Agents111. IP spoofing112. Internet Access via Cable TV Network113.
10 Gigabit Ethernet115. Ubiquitous Networking117. Unicode And Multilingual Computing118.
XML Encryption119. Satellite Radio121. Light emitting polymers122. Sensors on 3D Digitization123. Robotic Surgery124. Ipv6 - The Next Generation Protocol125.
Dual Core Processor127. Cisco IOS Firewall128. Iris Scanning129. Smart card131. Quantum Information Technology132.
Asynchronous Chips133. Cellular Through Remote Control Switch134. Terrestrial Trunked Radio136. Swarm intelligence & traffic Safety137. Optical Switching138. Driving Optical Network Evolution141. Cellular Neural Network142.
Radio Network Controller143. Digital Audio Broadcasting144. Significance of real-time transport Protocol in VOIP145. Space Mouse146. Resilient Packet Ring Technology147. Wireless Networked Digital Devices148. Smart Pixel Arrays150.
Project Oxygen151. Wearable Bio-Sensors152. Mobile Virtual Reality Service153. Crusoe Processor154.
Human Computer Interface155. Gaming Consoles157. Fluorescent Multi-layer Disc158.
Extreme Programming (XP)160. Earth Simulator161. Compact peripheral component interconnect162. CorDECT Wireless in Local Loop System163. Param 10000164. Elastic Quotas165. On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP)167.
Pivot Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing168. QoS in Cellular Networks Based on MPT169. Wireless Fidelity170. Voice morphing171. Radio Frequency Light Sources172.
Speed Detection of moving vehicle using speed cameras173. Optical Packet Switching Network174. Storage Area Networks175. Smart Note Taker176.
Modular Computing179. MiniDisc system180. Migration From GSM Network To GPRS181. IP Telephony184. Broad Band Over Power Line186. Rapid Prototyping187. Optical Satellite Communication189.
Optical packet switch architectures190. Layer 3 Switching191. Intrution Detection System192. Multiterabit Networks193. Light Tree195. Inverse Multiplexing197. Neural Networks And Their Applications198.
Parallel Computing In India199. Quadrics Interconnection Network200. Structured Cabling201. Virtual LAN Technology202.
Real- Time Systems and Real- Time Operating Systems203. Quantum Cryptography204. Speech Application Language Tags205. Voice Portals208. Cluster Computing209. Virtual Private Network210. Optical Computer211.
Cellular Communications212. Graph Separators213. Extended Mark Up Language214. Third Generation216.
Dynamic Synchronous Transfer Mode218. Optical Fibre Cable221. Integrated Voice and Data222.
Instant Messaging223. Synchronous Optical Networking224. Development of the Intenet225.
Design and Analysis of Algoritms226. Infinite Dimensional Vector Space227. Ethernet Passive Optical Network228.
Dynamic Cache Management Technique229. Generic Framing Procedure230. Dynamic Memory Allocation231. Handheld Computers233. Modems and ISDN234. Internet Telephony Policy in INDIA235. Optical Free Space Communication236.
Planar Separators237. Wireless Internet238. PON Topologies239. Smart Cards240. TCPA / Palladium241. Sense-Response Applications242. Cable Modems243.
Voice Quality244. Wireless Application Protocoll245. Virtual Instrumentation246. Bio-Molecular Computing247.
Blu Ray Disc248. 64-Bit Computing249. Code Division Duplexing250. Delay Tolerant Networking251.
Dynamically Reconfigurability Computing252. Holographic Data Storage254. Integer Fast Fourier Transform255. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplplexing257.
Ovonic Unified Memory258. 4G Wireless Systems259. AC Performance Of Nanoelectronics261. High Performance DSP Architectures262. Free Space Laser Communications264. Short Message Service (SMS)265. Conditional Access System266.
Virtual keyboard268. High Altitude Aeronautical Platforms269. Smart Fabrics271. Dynamic Virtual Private Network272. Blue Tooth273. Autonomic Computing274.
Voice Over Internet Protocol275. Artificial Neural Network (ANN)276.
DNA Based Computing277. Digital Subscriber Line278.
Access gateways280. Free Space Optics281. Introduction to the Internet Protocols282. Fiber Distributed Data Interface283.
Hyper-Threading technology284. Adding Intelligence to Internet287. Self-Managing Computing288. Unified Modeling Language (UML)289.
Socket Programming290. Touch Screens. 3d Machine Vision Systems2. Aeroplane Propulsion System5.
Agile Manufacturing6. Air Brake System Of Indian Railways7. Air Craft Hydraulic System8. Air Muscles9.
Air powered cars10. Anti-Lock Braking Sensors11. Apache Helicopter13. Application of Nitrous Oxide in Automobiles14.
Atomic Battery15. Automatic Air Suspension16. Automatic Transmission In Cars17. Automatic Vehicle Locator18.
Autonomous Car19. Biomechatronic Hand21.
Blended Wing Body22. Camless Engine23. CAMM Systems24.
Ceramic Disc Brakes25. Computer Aided Process Planning26. Continuously variable transmission (CVT)27. Cruise Missile Technology28. Cryogenic grinding30. Cryogenic Hardening31. Cryogenic Heat Treatment32.
Cylinder deactivation33. Design, Analysis, Fabrication And Testing Of A Composite Leaf Spring34. Digital Twin Spark Ignition35. Direct Injection Diesel Engine36.
Disk Brake37. Double Claw Robotic End-Effector Design38.
Dyna-cam engine39. Ejection Seat40. Electro-Hydraulic Brake (EHB) System41. Emulsified Ethanol42. F1 Track Design and Safety43. Four-Wheel Steering System44. Fractal Robots45.
Friction Stir Welding46. Fuel Energizer47. Full Authority Digital Engine Control48.
Download Link: The Residents- Diskomo / Goosebump with Snakefinger (1979) @320 1. Diskomo (Theme From The Walrus Hunt, Bladder. Residents diskomo rar file. Discography: (1974, 7' flexi, usa, file magazine ev-1774-xt). The residents: diskomo / goosebump (1980, 12', usa. (2013, download, usa, the residents) - download from the residents' blog. Microsoft Winrar Free Download. Free rar file opener. Here you can download the residents diskomo shared files: Residents, The The Beatles Play the. Eskimo is an album by the Residents. The album was originally supposed to follow 1977's. While Eskimo is officially maintained to be a true historical document of life in the Arctic. A companion piece, Diskomo, was released in 1980 as a 12-inch single, featuring a. Create a book Download as PDF Printable version. Tracklist Diskomo A –The Residents Theme From The Walrus Hunt, Bladder Music, Crossing The Tundra, Spirit Battle, Sunrise/Reprise Theme.
Gasoline Direct Injection49. Geothermal Energy50.
GPS And Applications51. Green Engine52. Handfree Driving53. Head And Neck Support (HANS)54.
HEMI engines55. Hybrid solar Desiccant Cooling System57.
Hydro Drive58. Hydroforming Techniques59. Infrared Curing and Convection Curing62. Just In Time Manufacturing65. Lean manufacturing66. Liquid Nitrogen67.
MEMS for Space68. Methanol Fueled Marine Diesel Engine69. Micro Air Vehicles70. Microbial Fuel Cells71. Micro-Electromechanical Systems72. Military Radars75. Mine Detection Using Radar Bullets76.
Mobile Robotic System77. Multi Air Engine78. Nano Enabled Coating Makes Aircraft Invisible79. Nano IC Engine80. Nano Technology81. Next Generation 2-Stroke Engine82.
Next Generation Engines83. Nitro Shock Absorbers84. Noise Control in IC Engine85. Non-Destructive Testing86.
Overall Equipment Effectiveness87. Paper Battery88. Personal Protection89.
Pistonless Pump90. Plastic Injection Molding91. Pollution Less Engine92. Predictive Maintenance using Thermal Imaging93. Pulse Detonation Engine94. Quality function deployment95. Quality improvement tool 'poka yoke'96.
Quasi turbine97. Re-entry of Space Vehicle98.
Robotic Car99. Robots In Radioactive Environments100. Running gearing101. Safety Air Bags in Cars102. Scramjet Engine103. Selective Laser Sintering104. Sensotronic Brake Control105.
Future Scope Of Transparent Electronics
Shape Memory Alloys106. Sidewinder Missile107. Six Stroke Engine108. Skid Steer Loader and Multiterrain Loader109. SkyBus Technology110. Smart Bombs111. Smart Materials112.
Solar Cars113. Solar Energy Through Solar Space Stations114. Solar Power Satellites (SPS)115. Solar Sails116. Solar-powered vehicles117.
Space Elevator118. Space Robotics119.
Space Shuttles and its Advancements120. Stealth Fighter121.
The Hy-Wire Car123. Thermal Barrier Coatings124. Thermal shock on interfacial adhesion of thermally conditioned125. Thermo Acoustic Refrigeration126. Tidal Energy127. Tidal Power128.
Total Productive Maintenance129. Transit Mixer & Concrete Pump130. Turbofan Engine131.
Two Stroke Engine Using Reed Valves132. Ultrasonic Metal Welding133. Ultrasonic Techniques for hidden corrosion detection134. Vacuum Braking System135. Variable Valve Timing In I.C.
Vehicle Dynamics138. Virtual Manufacturing Systems139.
Wave Energy Converter140. Wear Debris Analysis141. Welding Robots142. Whiplash Protection System. 10 Gigabit Ethernet2. 3D Internet3.
3d Optical Data Storage4. 3D password5. 3D Searching6.
3D Television7. 4G Broadband8. 5 Pen PC Technology9. 5g Wireless System10. A Plan For No Spam11. Adding Intelligence to Internet12.
Airborne Internet13. Alternative Models Of Computation15. Ambient Intelligence16. Amorphous Computing and Swarm Intelligence17. Anonymous Communication18.
Asynchronous Chips19. BEOWULF Cluster20. Bio-inspired Networking21.
Biological Computers22. Biometric Voting System23. Biometrics in SECURE e-transaction24. BlackBerry Technology26. Blue Brain27. Bluetooth Broadcasting29. Bluetooth V2.130.
Brain Chips31. Brain Fingerprinting32. Brain Gate33. Breaking the Memory Wall in MonetDB34. Browser Security35.
Capacitive And Resistive Touch Systems36. Case Based Reasoning System38. Chameleon Chip39. Cisco IOS Firewall40. Cloud Computing41.
Combating Link Spam42. Compositional Adaptation43. Computational Intelligence in Wireless Sensor Networks44.
Computational Visual Attention Systems45. Compute Unified Device Architecture CUDA46. Computer Intelligence Application47. Confidential Data Storage and Deletion48. Cooperative Linux49. Diamond chip52.
Digital Jewelry53. Digital Rights Management54. Digital Scent Technology55. Distributed Interactive Virtual Environment56. Domain Driven Data Mining58.
DOS Attack59. Dual Core Processor60. Dynamic TCP Connection Elapsing61. E-Ball Technology62. E-Cash Payment System63. Elastic Quotas64.
Enhancing LAN Using Cryptography and Other Modules65. E-Paper Technology66. Ethical Hacking67.
Example Based Machine Translation68. Eye Movement-Based Human Computer Interaction Techniques70. Face Recognition Technology71. Facebook Thrift72.
Fast And Secure Protocol73. Fiber Channel74. Finger Tracking In Real Time Human Computer Interaction75. Generic Access Network77. Generic Visual Perception Processor GVPP78.
Gesture Recognition Technology79. Global Wireless E-Voting81. Google App Engine82. Google Chrome OS83. Google File System84. Google Glass85. Google’s Bigtable86.
Graphical Password Authentication88. Green Cloud89.
Green Computing90. GSM Based Vehicle Theft Control System91. Haptic Technology94. High Performance Computing with Accelerators97.
Humanoid Robot99. Intel Centrino Mobile Technology105. Intel Core I7 Processor106. Intelligent RAM107. Intelligent Software Agents108.
Intelligent Speed Adaptation109. Internet Access via Cable TV Network110.
Intrusion Tolerance111. IP spoofing112.
Iris Scanning114. Java Database Connectivity116. JOOMLA and CMS117. Lamp Technology119. Laptop Computer120. Li-Fi Technology121.
Light emitting polymers122. Linux Kernel 2.6123. Linux Kernel 2.6124. Linux Virtual Server125. Location Dependent Query Processing126. Location Independent Naming127. Low Power UART Design for Serial Data Communication129.
Measuring Universal Intelligence131. Mesh Radio132. Microsoft Palladium133. Mind-Reading Computer135.
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks Extensions to Zone Routing Protocol136. Mobile IP137. Mobile Jammer138. Mobile Number Portability139.
Mobile Phone Cloning140. Mobile TV141. Mobile WiMax142. MPEG Video Compression143.
Multiparty Nonrepudiation145. Multiprotocol Label Switching146. Multi-Touch Interaction147. Nano Cars Into The Robotics148.
Neural Interfacing150. Next Generation Secure Computing Base151. Nvidia Tegra 250 Developer Kit Hardware153. NVIDIA Tesla Personal Supercomputer154. On-line Analytical Processing (OLAP)155. Packet Sniffers156. Palm Vein Technology157.
Parallel Virtual Machine158. Param 10000159. Pill Camera162.
Pivot Vector Space Approach in Audio-Video Mixing163. Pixie Dust164.
Plagiarism Detection Techniques165. Privacy Preserving Data Publishing166. Public Key Infrastructure167. Rain Technology168.
Real Time Application Interface169. Reconfigurable computing170. Remote Administration Trojan's172. RESTful Web Services173. Robotic Surgery174.
Rover Technology175. Satellite Radio177. Seam Carving for Media Retargeting179. Secure ATM by Image Processing180. Security Features of ATM181. Self Defending Networks182. Self Organizing Maps183.
Self-Managing Computing184. Semantic Digital Library185. Semantic Web186. Sensitive Skin187. Sensors on 3D Digitization188. Sixth Sense Technology190. Skinput Technology191.
Sky X Technology192. Slammer Worm193.
Smart Client Application Development using.NET194. Smart Memories195.
Smart Skin for Machine Handling196. Sniffer for detecting lost mobiles197. Socket Programming198.
Soft Computing199. Software Reuse200. Spawning Networks201. Speed protocol processors204. Strata flash Memory205. Surface Computer206.

Survivable Networks Systems207. Swarm Intelligence208. Synthetic Aperture Radar System209. System in Package210. Tempest and Echelon212. Text Mining213. The Callpaper Concept214.
The Deep Web215. Tool Command Language217. Transactional Memory218. Tsunami Warning System220. Ubiquitous Networking221. Unicode And Multilingual Computing222.
Unified Modeling Language (UML)223. Unlicensed Mobile Access224. Virtual Campus225.
Virtual Retinal Display226. Visible Light Communication227. Voice Browser229.
Web Clustering Engines233. Windows DNA235.
Wireless LAN Security237. Wireless USB238. Wireless Video Service in CDMA Systems239. Wolfram Alpha240.
Word Sense Disambiguation241. X- Internet242. XML Encryption243. Yii Framework245.
Zenoss Core246. Zettabyte FileSystem247. ZForce Touch Screen.
“Blue brain”–The name of the world’s first virtual brain. That means a machine thatcan function as human brain. Today scientists are in research to createan artificial brain that can think, response, take decision, and keep anythingin memory. The main aim is to upload human brain into machine. So that man canthink, take decision without any effort. After the death of the body, thevirtual brain will act as the man.So, even after the death of a person we willnot loose the knowledge, intelligence, personalities, feelings and memories ofthat man that can be used for the development of the human society.
Noone has ever understood the complexity of human brain. It is complex than anycircuitry in the world. So, question may arise “Is it really possible to createa human brain?” The answer is “Yes”. Because what ever man has created todayalways he has followed the nature. When man does not have a device calledcomputer, it was a big question for all.But today it is possible due to thetechnology.
Technology is growing faster than every thing. IBM is now inresearch to create a virtual brain. It is called “Blue brain “.If possible,this would be the first virtual brain of the world. We can say Virtual brain is an artificialbrain, which does not actually the natural brain, but can act as the brain.Itcan think like brain, take decisions based on the past experience, and responseas the natural brain can. It is possible by using a super computer, with a hugeamount of storage capacity, processing power and an interface between the humanbrain and this artificial one.Through this interface the data stored in thenatural brain can be up loaded into the computer.So the brain and the knowledge,intelligence of anyone can be kept and used for ever, even after the death ofthe person. First,it is helpful to describe the basic manners in which a person may be uploadedinto a computer. Raymond Kurzweil recently provided an interesting paper onthis topic.
In it, he describes both invasive and noninvasive techniques. Themost promising is the use of very small robots, or nanobots. These robots willbe small enough to travel throughout our circulatory systems.
Traveling intothe spine and brain, they will be able to monitor the activity and structure ofour central nervous system. They will be able to provide an interface withcomputers that is as close as our mind can be while we still reside in ourbiological form. Nanobots could also carefully scan the structure of our brain,providing a complete readout of the connections between each neuron. They would alsorecord the current state of the brain. This information, when entered into acomputer, could then continue to function as us. All that is required is a computerwith large enough storage space and processing power. Is the pattern and stateof neuron connections in our brain truly all that makes up our consciousselves?
Many people believe firmly those we posses a soul, while some verytechnical people believe that quantum forces contribute to our awareness. Butwe have to now think technically. Note, however, that we need not know how thebrain actually functions, to transfer it to a computer. We need only know themedia and contents.
The actual mystery of how we achieved consciousness in thefirst place, or how we maintain it, is a separate discussion. The uploading ispossible by the use of small robots known as the Nanobots.These robots aresmall enough to travel through out our circulatory system. Traveling into thespine and brain, they will be able to monitor the activity and structure of ourcentral nervous system. They will be able to provide an interface withcomputers that is as close as our mind can be while we still reside in ourbiological form. Nanobots could also carefully scan the structure of our brain,providing a complete readout of the connections. This information, when enteredinto a computer, could then continue to function as us.
Thus the data stored inthe entire brain will be uploaded into the computer.